Diamond grading when buying at discount shopping online

When shopping for diamonds, we want to buy the best value for our money especially when . That’s where diamond grading comes in. Discount shopping online for diamonds is a great way for people to acquire the stone at a budget.

Knowing the 4Cs of diamonds is a must when shopping for it so know the basics to make an appropriate and intelligent purchase, a buyer must know about the Color, Cut, Carat and Clarity of the diamond. Clarity is the transparency or clearness of the stone. Sometimes, one may see blemishes and flaws on the diamond but this is not visible for everyone since only an expert who knows how to look at a diamond would notice. Of course if the diamond is flawless and blemish-free then its value is higher.

A well defined cut in a diamond is the one that determines its true worth since a diamond in raw form is nothing more than a piece of glass. Generally, a cut in a diamond is done keeping the depth, symmetry and polish of the raw diamond in mind and on this particular basis, a diamond gets its original shape and size.
The various shapes to find diamonds in would be round, emerald, pear, marquise, hearts and others that distinguish a diamond to the rest of the precious stone family. A suitable and promising cut in a diamond is really important factor in depicting the value of a diamond.

Carat or weight o a diamond is another important deciding factor in setting a grade of a diamond. Normally one carat is equivalent to 0.07 ounces that is equals to 200 milligrams. That’s why; increase in the weight of a diamond also increases the price of the diamond. That’s why, size does matter.

When it comes to color, diamonds range from colorless to brown and it shows it’s worth grade by its mere color. A colorless diamond will be of greater value against the colored ones since it’s free from blemish and flaw and hues. Diamonds are available in pink, blue and even green shades as well.

When looking for a diamond online, there are a lot of great deals that you can take advantage of such as discount shopping online.